[horde] CalDAV & CardDAV when using LDAP for authorization?
2018-08-21 21:05:53 UTC

If I am using LDAP as my authentication for Horde, should CalDAV & CardDAV functionality work? I can log into Horde's webgui with my LDAP user/pass , but when I setup my CalDAV client (and use the LDAP login/password) it returns an error "encountered HTTP error 404. Make sure the URL is correct."

Horde debug log (set to DEBUG) doesn't show any failures (shown below):

2018-08-21T21:08:40+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE Max memory usage: 2097152 bytes [pid 2405 on line 613 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:40+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE Load config file (conf.php; app: horde) [pid 2404 on line 109 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry/Loadconfig.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:40+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE Setting sam inactive because the fileroot does not exist or the application is not configured yet. [pid 2404 on line 139 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry/Registryconfig.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:40+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE Setting ansel inactive because the fileroot does not exist or the application is not configured yet. [pid 2404 on line 139 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry/Registryconfig.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:40+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE Setting wicked inactive because the fileroot does not exist or the application is not configured yet. [pid 2404 on line 139 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry/Registryconfig.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:40+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE Setting chora inactive because the fileroot does not exist or the application is not configured yet. [pid 2404 on line 139 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry/Registryconfig.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:40+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE Setting whups inactive because the fileroot does not exist or the application is not configured yet. [pid 2404 on line 139 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry/Registryconfig.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:40+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE Setting luxor inactive because the fileroot does not exist or the application is not configured yet. [pid 2404 on line 139 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry/Registryconfig.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:40+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE Setting klutz inactive because the fileroot does not exist or the application is not configured yet. [pid 2404 on line 139 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry/Registryconfig.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:40+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE Setting jonah inactive because the fileroot does not exist or the application is not configured yet. [pid 2404 on line 139 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry/Registryconfig.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:40+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE Setting hermes inactive because the fileroot does not exist or the application is not configured yet. [pid 2404 on line 139 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry/Registryconfig.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:40+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE Setting sesha inactive because the fileroot does not exist or the application is not configured yet. [pid 2404 on line 139 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry/Registryconfig.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:40+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE Setting kolab inactive because the fileroot does not exist or the application is not configured yet. [pid 2404 on line 139 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry/Registryconfig.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:40+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE Setting passwd inactive because the fileroot does not exist or the application is not configured yet. [pid 2404 on line 139 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry/Registryconfig.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:40+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE Setting agora inactive because the fileroot does not exist or the application is not configured yet. [pid 2404 on line 139 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry/Registryconfig.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:40+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE Setting ulaform inactive because the fileroot does not exist or the application is not configured yet. [pid 2404 on line 139 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry/Registryconfig.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:40+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE Setting vilma inactive because the fileroot does not exist or the application is not configured yet. [pid 2404 on line 139 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry/Registryconfig.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:40+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE Load config file (nls.php; app: horde) [pid 2404 on line 109 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry/Loadconfig.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:40+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE Load config file (hooks.php; app: imp) [pid 2404 on line 109 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry/Loadconfig.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:40+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE [imp] Load config file (conf.php; app: imp) [pid 2404 on line 109 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry/Loadconfig.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:40+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE [imp] Load config file (backends.php; app: imp) [pid 2404 on line 109 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry/Loadconfig.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:40+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE [gollem] Load config file (conf.php; app: gollem) [pid 2404 on line 109 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry/Loadconfig.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:40+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE [gollem] Load config file (backends.php; app: gollem) [pid 2404 on line 109 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry/Loadconfig.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:40+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE [horde] Load config file (prefs.php; app: horde) [pid 2404 on line 109 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry/Loadconfig.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:41+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE [horde] Load config file (motd.php; app: horde) [pid 2404 on line 109 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry/Loadconfig.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:41+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE [horde] Max memory usage: 2097152 bytes [pid 2404 on line 613 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:48+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE Load config file (conf.php; app: horde) [pid 2405 on line 109 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry/Loadconfig.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:48+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE [kronolith] Load config file (conf.php; app: kronolith) [pid 2405 on line 109 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry/Loadconfig.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:48+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE [nag] Load config file (conf.php; app: nag) [pid 2405 on line 109 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry/Loadconfig.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:48+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE [nag] Horde_Prefs: Storing preference value (display_tasklists) [pid 2405 on line 994 of "/var/www/horde/nag/lib/Nag.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:48+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE [kronolith] Horde_Prefs: Storing preference value (display_external_cals) [pid 2405 on line 532 of "/var/www/horde/kronolith/lib/CalendarsManager.php"]
2018-08-21T21:08:48+00:00 DEBUG: HORDE [kronolith] Max memory usage: 2097152 bytes [pid 2405 on line 613 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Registry.php"]
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2018-08-23 19:25:28 UTC
Subject: [horde] CalDAV & CardDAV when using LDAP for authorization?
If I am using LDAP as my authentication for Horde, should CalDAV &
CardDAV functionality work? I can log into Horde's webgui with my
LDAP user/pass , but when I setup my CalDAV client (and use the LDAP
login/password) it returns an error "encountered HTTP error 404. Make
sure the URL is correct."
I found when manually browsing to
http://horde.local/rpc.php/principals/myuser/ , I get
"<d:error><s:exception>Sabre\DAV\Exception\NotFound</s:exception>" ,
<s:message>User myuser does not exist</s:message> .

However browsing to http://horde.local/rpc.php/kronolith/myuser shows
ICS files.

Do I need to finish the LDAP setup for Turba in order for the Principals
to work? If I'm using LDAP for authorization should I switch over to
ActiveSync instead? Can someone point me in the right direction here
please? Note: I'm using an nginx configuration from a previous Horde
setup that had local accounts (i.e. in the database) and CalDAV did work

Thank you.
Horde mailing list
Frequently Asked Questions: http://horde.org/faq/
To unsubscribe, mail: horde-***@lists.horde.org
2018-08-24 08:18:23 UTC
Post by 4***@snkmail.com
Post by 4***@snkmail.com
If I am using LDAP as my authentication for Horde, should CalDAV &
CardDAV functionality work? I can log into Horde's webgui with my
LDAP user/pass , but when I setup my CalDAV client (and use the LDAP
login/password) it returns an error "encountered HTTP error 404. Make
sure the URL is correct."
Horde debug log (set to DEBUG) doesn't show any failures (shown
I found when manually browsing to
http://horde.local/rpc.php/principals/myuser/ , I get
"<d:error><s:exception>Sabre\DAV\Exception\NotFound</s:exception>" ,
<s:message>User myuser does not exist</s:message> .
However browsing to http://horde.local/rpc.php/kronolith/myuser shows
ICS files.
I was able to resolve the issue with LDAP & CalDAV by fixing the LDAP
parameter filter in my /horde/conf.php .

I changed :

$conf['auth']['params']['filter'] = '(objectclass=shadowAccount)';


$conf['auth']['params']['filter'] = '(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)';

Oddly, with the objectclass=shadowAccount, web-based access still

Horde mailing list
Frequently Asked Questions: http://horde.org/faq/
To unsubscribe, mail: horde-***@lists.horde.org